Feng Shui in the bathroom

I found this post by Jane Langof from feng shui concepts based in Sydney, very interesting article discussing the new trend of incorporating the ensuite into the master bedroom. There are also some great feng shui tips for bathroom design.

You can read Jane's blog here

Trendy Bathroom Designs & Feng Shui

One of the hottest bathroom design trends in luxury homes is the integration of the ensuite with the master bedroom. This means that the bedroom and bathroom are designed together in an open plan layout, often with a luxuriously appointed bath featuring as the main attraction. So, imagine a glass wall between the bathroom and bedroom and the excitement (or not) of being able to watch your partner bathe while you lay in bed. Is this bathroom design trend good or bad for Feng Shui in the home?

Firstly let's consider the main function of bathrooms and bedrooms. A bedroom should be a nurturing space, to support sleep, intimacy and relaxation. Bathrooms are becoming more like a sanctuary or day spa, and while I think this is a wonderful thing, let's not forget the main function of a bathroom - cleansing and elimination!

So although an integrated bathroom and bedroom may look fabulously trendy, from a Feng Shui perspective the energy of these two functional areas should not be combined. The bathroom and bedroom should be kept as separate rooms.

If you're planning a new bathroom or ensuite for your renovation or building project, here are a few Feng Shui tips to consider when designing your bathroom:

  • Keep bathrooms tucked away behind solid walls, and avoid having internal glass walls between the bathroom and other rooms inside the home.
  • Avoid placing your bed in direct alignment with the bathroom door.
  • Design a bathroom so that the toilet is not the first thing you see when you open the door. If you have a large bathroom space, try to conceal the toilet behind a wall.
  • Avoid having the toilet pointing directly towards the area where the bed head will be placed.
  • When considering the placement of mirrors in bathroom design, try to avoid having the mirror reflecting the toilet.
  • Open a window and install a good quality exhaust fan to allow fresh air to circulate. Good ventilation is important in Feng Shui to prevent energy from becoming stagnant.
  • The location of bathrooms in a floor plan can indicate a draining effect on wealth, depending on where they're placed. Bathrooms are best located in an area that contains negative 'flying star' energy, and this can be determined by a professional Feng Shui consultant.


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