Travertine -Matt Damon of the stone world....

Inspired by the Oscars yesterday I have decided to compare travertine to an actor (or actress) and believe that if travertine was an actor it would be Matt Damon.

Why, you ask?

Why would I be crazy enough to compare stone to someone like Matt Damon.

Put simply - it puts it in perspective.

Travertine is an incredible stone - just think the Colosseum in Rome is made from Travertine and it is still standing today, over 100,000 cubic metres was used to build it. Travertine is hardy, versatile - it can come tumbled, cross cut, vein cut, in slabs, the list is endless..

Matt Damon - an incredible actor, versatile, good looking and his body of work will last long past him.

Plus.....Who wouldn't want to lie down on a floor of Matt Damon????

You can compare the 2, it does make sense.

Here are some pics of travertine....

A Basin

A Floor


A French Pattern

Outdoor around a pool


Like Matt Damon.


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